Gustav Brunner Straße 1/10
Oberwart, 7400, Österreich
Phone:+43 5 70 375 7400
BDO is the first port of call if you’re looking for a partner to ensure your corporate success in Burgenland. Our tax consultants and auditors in Vienna offer you exceptional client service locally. Additionally, you can talk to the experts from our Industry Expertise Centres and divisions throughout Austria. With our interdisciplinary expert teams, we offer you a full service across all divisions completely tailored meet your individual requirements.
Regional roots and international networking are essential characteristics of our service offerings. We are member of the international BDO network (1963), it is currently the only globally active auditing and consulting organisation with European roots.
BDO Burgenland GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
BDO Kommunalberatung GmbH
Opening hours:
MO-DO: 07:30-12:00 Uhr und 13:00-16:30 Uhr
FR: 07:30-12:00 Uhr
Gustav Brunner Straße 1/10
Oberwart, 7400, Österreich
Phone:+43 5 70 375 7400